How important is it really to do an internship before applying for a job? Do you need to get the hands-on experience that is talked about when discussing the importance of internships or is it a matter of just landing the right job?
Turning into a professional is not just about getting a college degree. It is about building relationships, having internship experiences, succeeding and failing in projects/experiments and learning from them, and networking with others. Internships lays the foundation for producing intuitive and conscientious generation of future professionals. If you have entered college and are thinking about what to do next, then an internship is what you are looking for, as an intern can reap in the following benefits :
An internship enables you to gain first-hand exposure of working in the real world. It also allows students to harness the skill, knowledge, and theoretical practice they learnt in university.
Partaking in an internship allows you to establish deeper relationships than you normally would talking to a stranger one-on-one.Being an intern gives you more opportunities to build connections with company professionals that can be very beneficial for your future career.
As an intern you'll become a master of time management. When you're working in a fast paced professional environment you need to know every minute counts.
Internships provide you with the building blocks you need for your future. Many internship opportunities help set the foundation for your career.
Without a solid resume it can be tougher to be considered for a position. Internships are key to building experience as a student or recent graduate. Employers are much more likely to hire someone with internships and work experience rather than someone with a generic resume, lacking experience.
College students need to balance work, friends, family, and assignments. It can be easy to overlook the critical importance of getting a great internship experience.
However, in today’s competitive economy, it is crucial that students make internship a top priority.